Sunday, August 21, 2016

Thank You, Lambeau Clean Up Crew #3!!

Hi Team!

WE DID IT!!  We cleaned Lambeau Field three times in 19 days!  Thank you to the fantastic group of volunteers who came out on Friday night to help out.  We were finished with all of our work in a little over 2 hours--it was awesome!  I don't have a lot of action photos from group #3, because I was put on garbage truck duty.  I do have this one:

Jenna, Lexee, and Austyn had the glamorous job of cleaning up what the garbage truck spit back out after it compacted the garbage.  That is definitely a skill they will be able to mention at future job interviews!

Seriously, though, thank you to everyone who helped out at Lambeau this month.  We couldn't have done it without each and every person who came out to help.  Special thanks to Sandy Bevers who found this volunteer opportunity!  The new parkas are paid in full, and there will be money left over for other fun things.  I will be sure to let you know what we purchase.

Thanks, everyone!!  You ROCK!!

Coach Vicki

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