Sunday, August 14, 2016

Thank You, Lambeau Clean Up Crew #2!!

Hi Team,

I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone who showed up to help clean Lambeau on Saturday morning.  The whole crew was fantastic and worked incredibly hard!!
Crew #2 definitely had better weather than Crew #1--it was about 15 degrees cooler yesterday than on August 1st.
However, Crew #2 had to clean the bowl which seemed like a million times bigger than the top ring. We also had to go back and pick up everything we missed by hand.  There were 2 clean up teams missing on Saturday, so 4 teams had to do the work of 6.  It took us 3 hours and 15 minutes to finish.
 Through it all, the AW-K team worked hard and kept a positive attitude.
I am so grateful to everyone who has come out to help us raise money for the team.  You guys did a fantastic job representing AW-K!!

Our last Lambeau clean up is on Friday, August 19th at 4:30.  I will post the list of volunteers in a few days.

Thanks, team!!

Coach Vicki

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