Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Few Pictures from our All-Program Party!

Hi Team,

Friday's big All-Program party was a huge success! I'd like to say a big thank you to Dan Chippeaux who grilled all of the hamburgers and hot dogs for our party.  Everything was completely delicious! It's always a bonus to have a trained chef as one of your swim parents!
Thank you, also, to Becky Hawley, Kathy Daniels, and Nancy Hendel for taking care of all the extras--setting up the tables and purchasing all of the plates, condiments, and utensils.

Thanks, also, to Nancy who made a quick trip to the grocery store when it looked like we were going to run out of drinks.
I can't tell you how nice it was to walk outside and see everything ready to go!  It's parents like you who make my job so much fun!
It was completely great having both teams together for the day.  Thanks to everyone who helped make our celebration a success!


Coach Vicki

PS  Here are a few fun water polo pictures:

As you can probably tell, it got pretty competitive.  Both sides definitely played to win!

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