Saturday, August 27, 2016

(Slightly) Updated Practice Schedule

Hi Team!

I just wanted to let you know that I made a few changes to the practice schedules for September, October, and November.  The biggest change is that we will be going to the weight room at the beginning of practice (3:45-4:15) instead of at the end.  The girls need to wear shorts, T-shirts, and gym shoes while they are in the weight room. Our first weight room session is on September 8th.

Please note that our practice time changes to the afternoon this week as the West athletes get ready to go back to school on Thursday.  I hope everyone enjoys sleeping in for a few days.

I am looking forward to one more week of practice before we start competing. We have 3 meets the week of the 5th--I can't wait!

With AW-K pride,
Coach Vicki

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last Call for Parent Clothing!

Hi Team,

I just heard from Jody, and she said tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the last day she will take order forms and money for parent clothing.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to sport the coolest team clothing around!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Monday, August 22, 2016

Zumbathon, Varsity Practices, and other Odds and Ends

Hi Team,

I keep forgetting to tell you that our Zumbathon, which was scheduled for this Saturday, is going to be rescheduled for later in the season.  Unfortunately, the woman who was going to do it with us has an injury.  I'll let you know the new date when I hear more about how she's doing.  The lunch at Noodles is going to be replaced by an after-practice breakfast at Mary's on Richmond Street on this Thursday, August 25th. The older girls will make sure that the younger girls get over to Mary's after practice.  Each girl will need to arrange their own ride home from Mary's.  This breakfast is an optional team activity.  If you plan on coming, please bring $10-12 to cover the cost of your meal.  We should be done around 11:15-11:30.

The varsity squad asked me to add a couple of two-a-day practices to the schedule before the school year starts.  I'm pretty sure this is the first time in the history of swimming that swimmers have asked for more practices--I love it!  We talked it over on Saturday morning, and we chose three additional practice times:

Tuesday, August 23rd, from 3:30-5:00 pm
Thursday, August 25th, from 3:30-5:00 pm
Tuesday,  August 30th, from 8:30-10:00 am

These additional practices are for varsity only--this will be one of the few times this season that I will close practice.  Because these dates were not on the original schedule I published at the end of May, they are not mandatory for Varsity athletes.  I know that everybody worked hard to schedule their work and life schedules around the original practice schedule.  Do not stress if you can't make these additional practices.

If you signed up to help with a team meal I will be emailing you this week with the contact information for the people in your group.  Thank you to everyone who signed up!

There are a couple of timer slots still open for Terror Relays.  I will update all the sign up lists this week.

I think that's it for now.

With AW-K pride,

Coach Vicki

Sunday, August 21, 2016

AW-K Car Stickers!

Hi Team!

I completely forgot to mention our fabulous car stickers at Thursday night's parent potluck!  Nothing makes me happier than seeing one of these stickers on the back of a car when I'm out driving around town.  Want one of your own?  They are only $5 each.  I have 22 left.  Let me know if you want one!

Also--don't forget that the parent clothing order and money is due by the end of practice on Tuesday. Don't miss out on the opportunity to sport the coolest team clothing around!

With AW-K pride,
Coach Vicki

Thank You, Lambeau Clean Up Crew #3!!

Hi Team!

WE DID IT!!  We cleaned Lambeau Field three times in 19 days!  Thank you to the fantastic group of volunteers who came out on Friday night to help out.  We were finished with all of our work in a little over 2 hours--it was awesome!  I don't have a lot of action photos from group #3, because I was put on garbage truck duty.  I do have this one:

Jenna, Lexee, and Austyn had the glamorous job of cleaning up what the garbage truck spit back out after it compacted the garbage.  That is definitely a skill they will be able to mention at future job interviews!

Seriously, though, thank you to everyone who helped out at Lambeau this month.  We couldn't have done it without each and every person who came out to help.  Special thanks to Sandy Bevers who found this volunteer opportunity!  The new parkas are paid in full, and there will be money left over for other fun things.  I will be sure to let you know what we purchase.

Thanks, everyone!!  You ROCK!!

Coach Vicki

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lambeau Clean Up #3: August 19th

Hi Team!

Our third and final Lambeau clean up is set for this Friday, August 19th at 4:30.  I'm super-excited about cleaning Lambeau one more time!  Here is the list of people that I have signed up to help:

Lambeau Clean Up August 19th at 4:30 pm

1.     Vicki Terlap
2.     Maddie Miller
3.     Maddie Miller’s dad 
4.     Lexi Funk
5.     Amy Funk 
6.     Nicole del Plaine
7.     Susan Harper
8.     Meghan Harper
9.     Amanda Harper
10.   Mike Harper
11.   Maddy Kasper
12.   Maddy Kasper’s Mom
13.   Brigita Hull
14.   Fe Nunn
15.   Jennifer Nunn
16.   Steve Nunn
18.   Hailey Bevers
19.   Sandy Bevers
20.   Carlos del Plaine
21.   Maggie Harris
22.   Kira Woodrow
23.   Olivia Polczinski
24.   Susan Polczinski
25.   Emily Thomaszewski
26.   Chad Bevers
27.   Austyn Krueger
28.   Gabby LeCaptain

29.   Jenna Johnston
30.  AnnaMarie King
31.  Shawn King

Please let me know if I left anyone off the list.   Plan on arriving  by 4:15 and park at the Fleet Farm Entrance.  Don't forget to wear close-toed shoes.  We will be done by 7:30 at the latest.

Thanks, team!
Coach Vicki

Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Few Pictures from our All-Program Party!

Hi Team,

Friday's big All-Program party was a huge success! I'd like to say a big thank you to Dan Chippeaux who grilled all of the hamburgers and hot dogs for our party.  Everything was completely delicious! It's always a bonus to have a trained chef as one of your swim parents!
Thank you, also, to Becky Hawley, Kathy Daniels, and Nancy Hendel for taking care of all the extras--setting up the tables and purchasing all of the plates, condiments, and utensils.

Thanks, also, to Nancy who made a quick trip to the grocery store when it looked like we were going to run out of drinks.
I can't tell you how nice it was to walk outside and see everything ready to go!  It's parents like you who make my job so much fun!
It was completely great having both teams together for the day.  Thanks to everyone who helped make our celebration a success!


Coach Vicki

PS  Here are a few fun water polo pictures:

As you can probably tell, it got pretty competitive.  Both sides definitely played to win!

Thank You, Lambeau Clean Up Crew #2!!

Hi Team,

I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone who showed up to help clean Lambeau on Saturday morning.  The whole crew was fantastic and worked incredibly hard!!
Crew #2 definitely had better weather than Crew #1--it was about 15 degrees cooler yesterday than on August 1st.
However, Crew #2 had to clean the bowl which seemed like a million times bigger than the top ring. We also had to go back and pick up everything we missed by hand.  There were 2 clean up teams missing on Saturday, so 4 teams had to do the work of 6.  It took us 3 hours and 15 minutes to finish.
 Through it all, the AW-K team worked hard and kept a positive attitude.
I am so grateful to everyone who has come out to help us raise money for the team.  You guys did a fantastic job representing AW-K!!

Our last Lambeau clean up is on Friday, August 19th at 4:30.  I will post the list of volunteers in a few days.

Thanks, team!!

Coach Vicki

Parent Potluck & Meet the Team!

Hi Team!

This Thursday night (August 18th) is our big Parent Potluck and Meet the Team dinner!  I love this night, because it gives us a chance to introduce the team to all the parents and thank the parents for all of their support. Our dinner will take place on the patio outside the pool at Appleton West, right after practice ends, from 5:30-7:30 pm. We ask that each family brings a main dish to share (pasta, meatballs, pizza, casserole, etc.), their own plates, plastic silverware, and cups, and one of the following:

Freshmen: Drinks (no soda, please)
Sophomores: Desserts
Juniors: Veggies or Fruit
Seniors: Chips or snacks

At the meeting we will introduce the team, go over a few expectations, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and discuss the parent clothing order.  Order forms for the parent clothing will be available at the meeting.  There will be screen printed T-shirt and sweatshirt options.  I will also be happy to answer any questions you might have about the season.

I am looking forward to seeing everybody Thursday night!

Coach Vicki

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lambeau Clean Up Crew #2

Hi Team!

Our second big Lambeau clean up is Saturday, August 13th, at 9:00 am! Our shift will last 2-3 hours, so we should be out of there by noon (at the latest).  

Important Reminders:1.   Parking is in the Lambeau Field parking lot near the Fleet Farm Gate located on the west side of Lambeau Field area.
2.   Prior to entering the Fleet Farm gate all group members are required to fill out a sign-in sheet. 
3.  Please arrive at Lambeau Field at 8:45 am.  
4.  There is no dress code for the post game volunteer groups.  Volunteers are encouraged to dress appropriately based on the weather. Opened-toed shoes are not permitted.

** Please make sure you have a ride set up for the way home.  

Here's our crew:

1.    Vicki Terlap
2.    Sandy Bevers
3.    Haily Bevers
4.    Emily Terlap
5.    Meghan Harper
6.    Amanda Harper
7.    Mike Harper
8.    Coley Van Grinsven
9.    Coly Van Grinsven’s mom
10. Fe Nunn
11. Craig Kellenberger
12. Emma Schueppert
13. Peter Schueppert
14. Maggie Harris
15. David Harris
16. Megan Harris
17. Brooke Cloutier
18. Abby Dollevoet
19. Dollevoet parent
20. Greg Rudd
21. Dan Anguilli
22. Jacquie Chippeaux
23. Emily Tomaszewski
24. Sandy Tomaszewski
25. Molly Anderson
26. Pete Anderson
27. Gina Anderson
28. Kathy Chippeaux
29.  Dan Chippeaux
30. Alexa Van Laanen
31. Maria Van Laanen
32. Gary Huges
33. Stephen Nunn
34. Nora Harris
35. Anna Marie King

Looking forward to working with everybody on Saturday!
Coach Vicki

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

First Day Fun!

Hi Team!

The 2016 season is underway!  Just look at that amazing group of athletes! I am beyond excited about this team--I know we are going to accomplish amazing things together this year! 

Today we spent a whole lot of time going over rules and expectations and learning names.  I'm pretty sure if you asked the girls, they would say the highlight of the day was getting their team parkas. Tomorrow we start training like champions!  We will be getting in the water right away to go through a flip turn clinic with Iowa State swimmer, Kenzie Goudreau.  You won't want to miss Kenzie's clinic!

The girls should be working on filling out their goal sheet and deciding which team clothing they want to purchase.  The only things you are required to purchase are the team suit ($56.50) and the team t-shirt($14.99).  If you want your name on the back of your team shirt, there is an additional $3.50 charge.  All order forms and money is due by this Friday, August 12th.  Everything can go on one check, made out to Appleton West Girls Swimming.  Goal sheets are also due on Friday, August 12th.

Don't forget about tomorrow (Wednesday) night's team party at my house!  Bring your fleece, a pair of sharp scissors, and something to share with the group (please see the list in the tie-blanket post below).  Don't forget a towel or blanket to sit on--we will be in the backyard all night.

Thanks for a great first day, ladies!  Our adventure has begun!

Stay humble, hustle hard!

Coach Vicki

Sunday, August 7, 2016

All-Program (Girls & Boys Teams) Party!

Hey AW-K Girls & Boys Swimmers and Divers!

Let's get together for an all-program party!  All current and incoming AW-K swimmers and divers are invited to join us at the pool to play water polo and have a cookout!  We will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, plates, etc.  You guys bring something to share (see list below).

When:  Friday, August 12th, from 10:30-12:30
Where: Appleton West Pool

What to Bring: 

Freshmen:  chips, snacks, etc.
Sophomores: fruit, veggies, etc.

Juniors:  desserts
Seniors:  drinks (no soda, please)

Looking forward to seeing everybody together on Friday!

Coach Vicki

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lambeau Clean Up Crew #2 -- August 13th--UPDATED

Hi Team!

It's time to start thinking ahead to our second clean up day at Lambeau--August 13th (Saturday), from 9-11 am.  We still need a few more volunteers to make it to 30.  Please let me know if you are able to help out.  I need to turn the list of names in on Thursday.  Volunteers will need to meet at the Fleet Farm entrance at 8:45 am.  Please wear closed-toe shoes.

Here's who has signed up so far:

Here's the list for the 13th at 9:00 am:
1.    Vicki Terlap
2.    John Terlap
3.    Sandy Bevers
4.    Haily Bevers
5.    Emily Terlap
6.    Meghan Harper
7.    Amanda Harper
8.    Mike Harper
9.    Coley Van Grinsven
10. Coly Van Grinsven’s mom
11. Fe Nunn
12. Craig Kellenberger
13. Emma Schueppert
14. Peter Schueppert
15. Maggie Harris
16. David Harris
17. Megan Harris
18. Brooke Cloutier
19. Abby Dollevoet
20. Dollevoet parent
21. Greg Rudd
22. Dan Anguilli
23. Jacquie Chippeau
24. Emily Tomaszewski
25. Sandy Tomaszewski
26. Molly Anderson
27. Pete Anderson
28. Gina Anderson
29. Kathy Chippeau
30.  Dan Chippeau

Looking forward to working with crew #2!

Coach Vicki

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tie-Blanket Team Party!

You're Invited!

Come hang out with all of your teammates and make a tie blanket to use at meets!

What:  Tie Blanket Team Party
When:  Wednesday, August 10th, from 5-8 pm
Where: Coach Vicki's House: 2021 Hidden Creek Road, Neenah
What to Bring:  Enough fleece to make your own blanket and a sharp pair of scissors.  Look for a coupon from JoAnne's or Hobby Lobby to help cut down on the cost of the fleece.  Please also bring a towel to sit on--we will be making our blankets in the backyard.

We will have dinner together, play a couple of fun games, and then make blankets!  I will provide the main dish and bug spray. : )

Please bring one of the following to share with the group:

Freshmen:  Fruit, veggies, or a side dish
Sophomores:  Chips or snacks
Juniors:  Drinks (no soda, please!)
Seniors:  Dessert

I can't wait (team parties are THE BEST)!

Coach Vicki

A Simple Guide to Team Expenses

Hi Team,

As a former swim parent, I know how confusing all the different fees can be.  Here is a simple breakdown of all of the expenses you can expect for the 2016 season.  

Mandatory Expenses for all team members:

Activity Fee:    $50  (Made out to Appleton West High School Girls Swimming & Diving due now)
Meet Suit:        $56.50 (Made out to Appleton West High School) due August 12th
Team Shirt:      $14.99 (Made out to Appleton West High School) due August 12th
End-of-the-Season gifts (Seniors, Captains, Coaches)
We ask each family to be on a team that provides one Monday night team dinner
Each athlete needs to provide their own goggles and water bottle

Optional Expenses for all team members:

Any extra team clothing*. An order form will go home on August 9th.  (Made out to Appleton West High School) Due August 12th
Material for tie blanket party
Any food or snacks your athlete wants at Invites
Championship T-shirts (Conference/Sectionals/State)
Costume parts for the Spirit Invite
Side dish or dessert for Terror Relay meal
Additional team cap (first one is free, additional caps are $5 each)

Kimberly Athletes Only:
If your daughter gets a ride from KHS to Appleton West for practice, we ask you to pay the driver $30 to cover gas/expenses at the end of the season. Please note:  you are responsible for arranging your own ride home from practice each night.

Varsity Athletes Only:
Breakfast club fee $20 (optional) 

*Our Zumba fundraiser is designed for participants to earn money to help with the cost of extra team clothing.  If you do not want to order any extra team clothing, your Zumba profits can reimburse your mandatory expenses.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Coach Vicki