Monday, August 7, 2017

Here Comes the 2017 Season!

Hi Team!

I absolutely can't believe we kick off our season tomorrow morning!  I am literally counting down the hours until our adventure begins!  Here are a few last-minute reminders:

1.  Please make sure all of your paperwork and fees are turned in before tomorrow. I will get a list at the end of the day today which will tell me who is missing what.  You will not be able to get in the water until your paperwork is turned in.

2.  Our practice runs from 8-11 tomorrow morning (Tuesday).  The rest of the week we go from 8-10:30.  We will not get in the water on the first day.  We will spend Tuesday's practice going over the team manual, setting goals, and doing some corny team builders.  Feel free to bring a water bottle and a small snack if you want.  Please note that starting with practice tomorrow, all practices are mandatory.  If you need to miss a practice, it must be cleared ahead of time.  You will need to schedule your work, vacations, and other activities around swimming if you want to be part of the team.

3.  We will get in the water on Wednesday.  I will be taking an individual photo of each girl before practice starts Wednesday morning. You can just wear your practice suit for the picture.

4.  Tuesday night's team party is optional, but please plan on coming.  There is a lot of information about the party a couple of posts down.  I will also go over party details tomorrow at practice.

5.  Thursday and Friday we will hold Time Trials.  Time Trials help me determine who will swim Varsity.

I'm so, so excited to get our season started!!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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