Thursday, August 31, 2017

Last Lambeau Crew!

Hi Team!

Tomorrow (Friday, September 1st) is our very last Lambeau clean-up for the 2017-2018 season! Please plan on meeting outside the Fleet Farm entrance at 4:15 pm.  Don't forget to dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes.  The Lambeau people will provide disposable gloves and water. We will be heading home by 7:30 pm at the latest.

Here is the list of people I have signed up:
1. Vicki Terlap
2. Peyton Michler
3. Lynn Michler
4. Ben Todd
5. Becca Sesto
6. Russ Sesto
7. Carrie Olson
8. Corey Olson
9. Owen Daniels
10. Mike Daniels
11. Ava DeGroot
12. Kyra Woodrow

13. Jason Woodrow
14. Sandy Bevers
15. Chad Bevers
16. Hailey Bevers
17. Julia Welsh
18. Haley Westphal
19. Cassey Lee
20. Jana Metko
21. Susan Metko
22. Becca Best
23. Tricia Gonzales
24. Mary Leverance
25. Ellie Glynn
26. Anna Armstrong

27. Jackson Armstrong
28. Scott Armstrong
29. Tanya Armstrong
30. Brianna Gonzales
31. Bella Brown
32. Tianna Buxton
33. Gabby LeCaptain
34. Jeff LeCaptain

Please let me know if I missed your name.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Thank You, Volunteers!

Hi Team!

I just finished emailing everyone who signed up to help with a team dinner.  There is all kinds of info in the email including the names of the other members of your team.  There are a couple of nights where we could use a few more families to help out with the meal.  Please click on the link on the right side of the page (Volunteer sign ups) to see the meal team lists.

On that same page, I listed everyone who signed up to help with timing at meets.  There are a few spots that are open for timing, as well.  Please let me know if you can help out.   Please plan on being at the pool by 5:15 pm if you are timing.  There will be a short timers meeting before each meet.

I am so excited about watching the girls compete next week!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Last Lambeau!

Hi Team!

We've got one last clean-up party at Lambeau Field this Friday, September 1st, from 4:15-7:30.  We have done a fantastic job getting big groups of volunteers to work at each clean-up.  Let's see if we can set a record at this last one!  The list of volunteers is pretty small so far, but I know you guys will come through for the program.  Remember--each swimmer is required to work at 2 Lambeau clean-ups, and you need to bring a parent with you to at least one of the two.  I have kept volunteer lists for the last three, and between the two teams, there are quite a few of you who still need to come and volunteer.  A bunch of you have worked at all three of this year's Lambeau clean-ups--THANK YOU!!

Here's who I have signed up so far:

September 1st  4:15-7:30 pm
Vicki Terlap
Peyton Michler
Ben Todd
Becca Sesto
Carrie Olson
Amy Funk
Lexee Funk
Owen Daniels
Mike Daniels
Ava DeGroot
Kyra Woodrow
Sandy Bevers
Chad Bevers
Hailey Bevers

Please text or email me by Thursday if you are able to help out.  Thank you!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Car Wash Fun!

 Hi Team!

Way to go on Saturday!  You guys made $574.00!  I divided it evenly between everyone who worked, and you each made $15.50!  I still need to break a few 20's to finish filling all the envelopes, but I will get that done in the morning.
I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to the guys at Extreme Audio for allowing us to use their parking lot, hose, and water for our car wash.  I'm pretty sure the best part of the whole day was that they played super-loud music for the girls to dance to between car washes.
It was fun to get to hang out with the girls away from the pool.  It was also fun to see so many parents, grandparents, and guy swimmers come through the line.
I hope you all pick out something fun from the team apparel store.  I'll have your envelopes to give you in the morning!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Friday, August 18, 2017

The AW-K Team Apparel Store is OPEN!!

Hi Team!

The store is open--go check it out and have fun picking out all kinds of AW-K clothing!  Click on the link below to enter the store;

I can't wait to see everyone sporting their new AW-K gear!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Car Wash Info

Hi Swimmers and Families,

This Saturday, August 19, is our big team car wash!  Every single dollar raised will go back to the girls who work to help defray the cost of their team suits and optional clothing. 

Here are the details:
Location:  Extreme Audio Parking Lot:  211 N. Lynndale Drive, Appleton
Time:  9:00 am -1:00 pm

We have asked the girls to sign up to work a 2-hour shift.  They are more than welcome to stay for the entire 4 hours, but they don't have to. There will be at least one coach there with the girls the entire time.  We are hoping for plenty of sunshine, so please make sure to bring sunscreen and lots of water.  The girls can wear a one-piece swimsuit and shorts. They will most likely get wet.

We have tons of old towels that have been donated to the team, but we could use a few squeegees so we can do windows.  We could also use a couple of more big sponges. Please make sure you put your name on anything you want us to get back to you.  

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  We hope to see a big bunch of you over at Extreme Audio with your dirty cars!  

Thank you for your help spreading the word!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

PS  RAIN DATE:  September 16th

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Potluck Update!

Hi Again!

The dance coach has graciously offered to move her practice up to Buchanan Gym so that we can hold our Potluck in the Appleton West cafeteria.  Hooray!  You can park in the parking lot by the pool and enter the school through door 31, which is around the back of the school.  We will have some parent board members ready to show you how to get to the cafeteria.

See you Thursday night from 5:30-7:30 in the Appleton West cafeteria!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Parent Potluck and Meet the Team!

Hi Team!

This Thursday night (August 17th) is our big Parent Potluck and Meet the Team dinner!  I love this night because it gives us a chance to introduce the team to all the parents and thank them for all of their support. We will meet from 5:30-7:30 pm. I am working on finding a location that is big enough to fit our expanded super-team.  We ask that each family brings a main dish to share which serves 6 (pasta, meatballs, pizza, casserole, etc.), their own paper plates, plastic silverware, and cups, and one of the following:

Freshmen: Drinks (no soda, please)
Sophomores: Desserts
Juniors: Veggies or Fruit
Seniors: Chips or snacks

At the meeting we will introduce the team, go over a few expectations, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and discuss the parent and team clothing order. 
We will also be collecting $60 from each swimmer to cover the cost of the team suit.  Please make checks out to Appleton West Girls Swimming. 

I'll be sure to let you know where we are meeting as soon as it is confirmed!

I am looking forward to seeing everybody Thursday night!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Week One Highlights!

 Hi Team!

Wow!  I absolutely loved our first week together!  The entire team is off to a fantastic start!  I thought you might like a peek at some of the highlights from our week together.
On Tuesday we established right away that We Are All Wonder Women.  We worked on getting to know each other, went over some expectations, and set up our team non-negotiables, which will be posted tomorrow.

That night, pretty much everyone came over for the big team party.  We ate pulled pork, played a corny team builder, and then spent the rest of the time crafting.

 The girls got to meet Olive, who LOVED meeting 50 new friends.

 Some of the girls made AW-K bracelets, which turned out to be kind of hard to make. :)

 Others decorated water bottles.

 A few of the girls made tie blankets.
 We also spent some time in the water last week:
I can't tell you how excited I am about the new lane lines!  I am so grateful to everyone who donated to the lane line fund and to everyone who helped work extra Lambeaus last year.

Time trials were exciting and really gave us a good look at just how awesome the team is going to be this year!

 I am so proud of how everyone did last week.  Some of the girls had never even swam before last week--and every single one of them did a fantastic job during Time Trials!

This week we shift to training mode.  The girls will have their first Tai Chi lesson on Tuesday, and on Thursday we will meet with a nutritionist.  Thursday night is also our big Parent Potluck.  Details about that will be posted on Monday.  Please plan on attending the Pot Luck--we will go over lots of team information and sign up for volunteer opportunities.  We will also be collecting money for the team suits at the Pot Luck ($60).

I can already tell that this is going to be an amazing season!  I can't wait for tomorrow morning!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Thank You, Lambeau Clean-Up Crews!!

 Hi Team!

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped clean Lambeau last week!  I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried about trying to get enough people to work at two different Lambeau clean-ups in one week, but you guys came through--big time!  We had the two largest clean-up crews we've ever had!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We are officially one of the "big" crews, now!  I'd like to send a big shout-out to Meghan Harper, who came back as an alumni to help (and brought her boyfriend!).  It is so awesome to have such great support for the program!

We have one more Lambeau clean-up left this year--September 1st, from 4:15-7:30.  Please let me know if you are planning on coming to help.  I'm so excited that all 4 of our clean-up dates will be over before the school year even starts!

Thanks for showing up in a big way to support AW-K Swimming & Diving!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Updated Lambeau Clean-Up Crew for August 11th

Hi Team,

Here is the most up-to-date list of volunteers for this Friday's (August 11th) stadium clean-up.  It is not too late to sign up.  Please email me or text me if you'd like me to add your name.

Lambeau, August 11th  4:15-7:30 pm
Vicki Terlap
Lizzie Knutsen

Abby Reuning

Emily Rabas
Shannon Rabas
Peyton Michler

Shawn Michler

Amanda Harper

Olivia Polczynski

Ian Hawley

Becky Hawley

Greg Hawley
Maggie Harris
Nora Harris

Megan Harris

David Harris 

Amy Funk

Lexee Funk

Molly Anderson

Delany Reed

Amy Reed

Mary Strebel
Jocelyn Strebel

Mr. Strebel

Jocelyn’s Sister

Logan Seibers

Jeremy Seibers

Natalie Seibers

Courtney Seibers

Emily Rabas

Bart Rabas

Alexa Van Laanen

Sandy Bevers

Chad Bevers

Hailey Bevers

Carrie Olson

Mike Daniels

Owen Daniels

Brady Malcomson

Becky Malcomson

Coach Kellenberger

Hailey Babcock

Ava DeGroot

Alex Malsavage
Jason Woodrow

Kyra Woodrow

Becca Sesto

Andy DeGroot

Nikki DeGroot

Maddy Kasper

Chris Kasper

Maddie Miller

Jeff Miller

Austyn Krueger

Will Hammen

Lauri Krueger

Peter Anderson

Amy Van Eperen

Irene Tomasovic

Haley Westphal

Maddy Johnson

Thank you so much for supporting AW-K Swimming and Diving!!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

Monday, August 7, 2017

Here Comes the 2017 Season!

Hi Team!

I absolutely can't believe we kick off our season tomorrow morning!  I am literally counting down the hours until our adventure begins!  Here are a few last-minute reminders:

1.  Please make sure all of your paperwork and fees are turned in before tomorrow. I will get a list at the end of the day today which will tell me who is missing what.  You will not be able to get in the water until your paperwork is turned in.

2.  Our practice runs from 8-11 tomorrow morning (Tuesday).  The rest of the week we go from 8-10:30.  We will not get in the water on the first day.  We will spend Tuesday's practice going over the team manual, setting goals, and doing some corny team builders.  Feel free to bring a water bottle and a small snack if you want.  Please note that starting with practice tomorrow, all practices are mandatory.  If you need to miss a practice, it must be cleared ahead of time.  You will need to schedule your work, vacations, and other activities around swimming if you want to be part of the team.

3.  We will get in the water on Wednesday.  I will be taking an individual photo of each girl before practice starts Wednesday morning. You can just wear your practice suit for the picture.

4.  Tuesday night's team party is optional, but please plan on coming.  There is a lot of information about the party a couple of posts down.  I will also go over party details tomorrow at practice.

5.  Thursday and Friday we will hold Time Trials.  Time Trials help me determine who will swim Varsity.

I'm so, so excited to get our season started!!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Friday, August 4, 2017

August 6th Lambeau Clean-Up Crew Info!


Our second Lambeau clean-up day is this Sunday, August 6th! Here is the list of volunteers I have signed up as of this morning:

August 6th, 1:00-4:00 pm
1. Vicki Terlap
2. Austyn Krueger
3. Brianna Hauser
4. Hailey Bevers
5. Chad Bevers
6. Sandy Bevers
7. Delany Reed
8. Amy Reed
9. Coley VanGrinsven
10. Jody Karrmann
11. Molly Anderson
12. Pete Anderson
13. Gina Anderson
14. Mary Strebel
15. Jocelyn Strebel
16. Mr. Strebel
17. Jocelyn’s Sister
18. John Mihalko
19. Madelaine Mihalko
20. Claire Mihalko
21. Stacey Krumrei
22. Hunter Bartolo
23. Emily Rabas
24. Bart Rabas
25. Ben Todd
26. Brady Malcomson
27. Trevor Reese
28. Mr. Reese
29. Kenny McGrath
30. Mr. McGrath
31. Taylor Morgan
32. Jason Morgan
33. Mackenzie Morgan
34. Sydney Morgan
35. Coach Kellenberger
36. Olivia Polczinski
37. Susie Polczinski
38. Greg Hawley
39. Becky Hawley
40. Nicole del Plaine
41. Carlos del Plaine
42. Maddie Miller
43. Mia Miller
44. Jeff Miller
45. Amanda Harper
46. Mike Harper
47. Tim Reuning
48. Abby Reuning

49. Brianna Hauser's mom
50. Maggie Harris
51. Julia Welsh
52. Julia Welsh's mom

53. Justin Murry
54. Maddy Johnson
55. Mariam Eubanks
56. Mr. Eubanks
57. Mary Leverance
58. Mr. Leverance
59. Mrs. Leverance
60. Ian Hawley

Here's everything you need to know before Sunday:
1.  Please arrive at Lambeau Field by 12:45 pm and park by the Fleet Farm Gate.
2.   Prior to entering the Fleet Farm gate, all group members are required to sign in on the sign-in sheet. 
3.  There is no dress code for the post-event volunteer groups.  Volunteers are encouraged to dress appropriately based on the weather. Opened-toed shoes are not permitted.  There won't be any shade, so wear a hat and sunscreen.
4.   The Lambeau people will provide water and plastic gloves. 
5.  All volunteers must be 14 years or older.  All volunteers under 18 need to print out the Parental Consent form (click on the link on the side of this page), get it signed, and bring it with you on Sunday, even if your parent is coming with you.
6.  If you are getting dropped off, please make sure you have a ride set up for the way home.

Please let me know ASAP if I accidentally left your name off of the list or if you still want to sign up to volunteer.  The more volunteers we bring, the more money we earn for the team.  I have to turn the list of names in Friday night.

I can't wait to have some messy fun with all of you on Sunday!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Team Party!

Hi Team!

Yahoo!  Our 2017 season starts next week!  To kick it off, I'm hosting a big 'ole party in my backyard! Please plan on coming over Tuesday night, August 8th, from 5:30-8:00 pm.  We will have dinner, play games, and make a fun craft or two (yes, I AM the corniest coach in the FVA).

Here are all the details:

Date:  Tuesday, August 8th
Time:  5:30-8:00 pm
Place:  Coach Vicki's house.  I will post my address on the team Facebook page.  I will also have a handout to give you at practice that morning.

What to bring:

I will provide the main dish, plates, napkins, and forks.  I'm asking each of you to bring something from the list below:

Freshmen:  Drinks for 8 (juice, water, etc--no soda--please)
Sophomores: Fruit or veggies
Juniors: Chips/Snacks
Seniors: Desserts

Please bring a blanket to sit on.

**If you want to make a tie-blanket, please bring your own fleece and a pair of sharp scissors. (click here for a quick tutorial.  Please note that this tutorial is for a baby-sized blanket.  Most of the girls make a 6-ft blanket, so you will need to buy 2 yards of fleece for the front and 2 yards for the back).

**If you want to bedazzle a water bottle (like the one Nicole is making in the picture below), please bring a water bottle (one that you can't squeeze) and a tube of glue (see below).  I have a ton of jewels for you to use, or you can bring your own.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I'm so excited!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki