Sunday, September 11, 2016

Terror Relays, Patriot Pentathlon, and the Week Ahead!

 Hi Team!

What an amazing, fabulous week for AW-K Swimming & Diving!  I couldn't be more proud of all we accomplished in and out of the water this week!  Friday night's Terror Relays went off without a hitch--thanks to each and every single member of the AW-K team--both swimmers and parents!  The girls did a fantastic job competing hard for AW-K--we took 4th place with 216 points, (tied with Wisconsin Rapids), behind Neenah (292 points), Stevens Point (240 points), and Appleton North (234 points).
 We swam 10 events and made the podium in every single event!  Wow!!!!  Congratulations, ladies! I couldn't be happier or more proud!
 The other super stars of the night were are JV ladies!  I've said it before, and I will say it again--we have the best JV in the FVA!  Everywhere I turned there were JV ladies helping out--timing, running, helping with set up and take down for the coaches and officials meal.
 Most of the JV stayed and helped clean up after the meet, even though I said they could go home.  We had the meet completely cleaned up and the pool put back in order in less than a 1/2 hour.  It was amazing!
 I can't forget to thank all of our dedicated and hard-working parents--some of whom (like the ones working concessions) I didn't see at all, but I know were doing a big job away from the pool. Whether you timed, baked, cooked, sold concessions, helped clean up, or just came and cheered for the girls, we are SO thankful for your support!!!
 In the battle of the best parents in the FVA, I know we'd win, hands down!
 Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting our program!!
 Saturday morning the varsity headed over to Appleton East to compete in the Patriot Pentathlon.
It was an early morning after a late night, but our AW-K swimmers were super stars, once again.  At the Pentathlon, each swimmer does a 50 of each stroke and a 100 IM.  Prizes are awarded for the top 8 in each event in each grade. The top 3 athletes in each grade were recognized on Saturday.  Here are our top 3 finishers:
Hannah Beckwith finished as the overall top Senior at the meet! She medaled in every single event! Way to go, Hannah!!!
Sarah Angiulli took 3rd place in the 50 fly, and came in 4th place overall for the Seniors!  Fantastic job, Sarah!
 Taylor Sunke took 3rd in the 50 back!! Way to go, Taylor!!
 Rebecca Norum finished in 2nd place overall as a junior!  She medaled in every single event!! Fabulous job, Rebecca!
 Megan Rambo finished as the third overall Senior.  She medaled in every single event!! Great job, Megan!!
 Gabby LeCaptain finished 3rd in the 50 breast!! Way to go, Gabby!!
Meghan Harper took 2nd in the 50 free and finished as the 6th place senior, overall! Great job, Meghan!

Top 8 overall finishers in each grade included:  Amanda Harper (7th place, Freshman), Gabby LeCaptain (8th place, Freshman), Lexee Funk (7th place, Sophomore), Rebecca Norum (2nd place, Junior), Hannah Beckwith (1st place, Senior), Megan Rambo (3rd place, Senior), Sarah Angiulli (4th place, Senior), Meghan Harper (6th place, Senior).

Congratulations to all who competed for AW-K this weekend!  I couldn't be more proud of you!

This week we shift into our final practice schedule for the season.  The Varsity team will begin 2-a-day practices this week, beginning on Monday.  Please plan on being on deck at 5:30 am.  We get in the water right at 5:45.

We will also be in the weight room on Monday and Thursday this week.  Please bring your workout clothes and gym shoes.  We have a bye week this week, so we do not have a dual meet on Tuesday. We do, however, have our team pictures on Tuesday, so don't forget to bring your team suit!! Pictures will take place at the beginning of practice.  Order forms will go home on Monday after practice.  Even though we do not have a meet, we do have a team meal on Monday after practice.

Whew!  I think that wraps up the week and gets us ready for this coming week!  I'm so proud to be your coach!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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