Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Parent Night, Morning Practice, and Homecoming Details

Hi Team,

It's going to be another fantastic, busy week for AW-K Swimming and Diving!  Here are a few reminders so that we are all on the same page:

Tonight is Parent Night--each athlete and her parents will be introduced before the meet.  Parents--please be ready for this to begin at 5:25.  Once each athlete and her parents are announced, they will walk around the pool together and stand together for the National Anthem.  Parents with multiple daughters on the team will be introduced with the older child's class.  We will start with introducing the freshman class.

Tomorrow's practice is from 5:45-6:45 am for the entire team. We will meet at the pool at 5:40 am and then head to the LGI to do a film study.  We will not get in the water at this practice.  Athletes can bring breakfast to eat during the presentation.   We are having this morning practice so that the team has Wednesday afternoon free to participate in the Kimberly Homecoming parade.  West athletes are encouraged to be in the parade, too.  All athletes should plan on wearing team apparel at the parade--team T-shirt, sweatshirt, parka or jacket.  Please make sure your daughter has a ride to and from morning practice on Wednesday.

Friday afternoon's practice will end at 5:00 pm so that Kimberly athletes can participate in tailgating and Homecoming festivities.

Saturday is our big all-team Invite at Neenah High School.  All athletes need to be at the pool at 6:50 am.  The bus will leave at 7:00 am.  This is a long Invite--it will probably not end until 2:30.  Please make sure your athlete brings plenty of food and snacks and water for the day.

Looking forward to the rest of this week!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki


  1. I believe the parade is at 6:00 tonight. Where do we take the kids, and at what time?

    1. Never mind. Found out it's cancelled.
