Friday, September 23, 2016

Missing Lambeau?

Hi Team,

The other day I was thinking about just how much fun I had cleaning up empty cheese cups and peanut shells at Lambeau Field.  I actually found myself wishing we had another opportunity to make Lambeau all shiny and clean.  And then I remembered that I DO have two more opportunities to have that much fun again!  In fact, I get to do it THIS SUNDAY with the boys team!  The JOY and EXCITEMENT is real, people!!  I'm literally doing a happy dance as I type this.

Are you missing Lambeau, too?  If so, we could really use your help this Sunday!  We need about 10 more people willing to help the boys team.  Busy this Sunday, but wishing you could haul trash one more time?  No worries!  The boys team is signed up to clean on December 4th, too!!

Here's the bonus:  because we will end up cleaning Lambeau 5 times (3 for the girls, and 2 for the boys), we will earn a bonus $500, which I will put toward something that benefits both the girls and the boys team.  So not only will you be helping the boys team, the girls team will benefit, too!

You know the drill:  you let me know you're coming, and I turn your name into our friend, Tina. You put on your oldest gym shoes (mine are still in the garage all dirty from last time) and show up at the Fleet Farm entrance at Lambeau Field at 4:15.  We take a completely cute group photo in front oft he "G" gates, and then we sweep the trash away!  Three hours later, we all leave knowing we donated 3 hours to a very good cause!  Win-Win!  

I need to know ASAP if you can help out.  Please email me at if you want to join in on the fun!
With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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