Sunday, October 18, 2015

Spirit Invite Wrap-Up & This Week's Practice Schedule

Hi Team!

Oh my gosh!  Yesterday was so fun (and SO LOUD!!).  The girls all did a great job with their Mardi Gras theme--the masks and boas and posters were all fantastic!  We ended up taking 4th behind Neenah, North, and Oshkosh West.  The girls did a wonderful job representing themselves, Appleton West, and Kimberly.  I am so proud to coach this team!  Thank you to all the parents and JV ladies who came down to cheer us on.  There is nothing like seeing a whole bunch of fans in the stands!

This week is full of "lasts" for AW-K.  Monday night is our last team dinner.  Tuesday night is our last dual meet vs Fond du Lac.  Friday will be our last full-team practice.  On Friday we will elect captains for the 2016 season and have some fun wrapping up the season together.

The JV ladies will taper this week after Tuesday night's meet.  The JV ladies will still have some practice in the water, but they will have no dryland, and their practices will be shorter.  The science behind tapering involves giving the muscles that have been overused through the season a bit of a rest so that they will be fresh for the championship meet.  To that end, please encourage your daughter to take it easy while she is on taper.  The girls should feel like they have energy to burn.  Please don't let them head out and run that energy off. During taper, swimmers shouldn't do anything more physical than going to class and doing their homework.

Kimberly students have Thursday and Friday off from school this week, so I have once again tried to be flexible with the practice schedule while still staying true to our #SucceedOnPurpose mission.  The Kimberly JV swimmers can attend the Thursday morning varsity practice and skip the Thursday afternoon practice if they want.  I would like all swimmers to attend Friday afternoon's practice, as it is our last combined practice of the season.  Varsity swimmers are expected to attend all regular practices unless they have been cleared through me.

Here is this week's schedule:

Monday, October 19th:
5:45-6:45 am Varsity
JV: 3:45-5:15 (no dryland)
Varsity: 3:45-5:45 (with dryland)
Team dinner at 5:45

Tuesday, October 20th:
Dual meet vs. Fond du Lac
West out at 3:10
Load bus: 3:20
Bus leaves: 3:30

Wednesday, October 21st:
JV: 3:45-5:00
Varsity: 3:45-5:30

Thursday, October 22nd:
5:45-6:45 am Varsity (JV Optional)
JV: 3:45-5:15--if you didn't go to morning practice (no dryland)
Varsity: 3:45-6:00 (with dryland)

Friday, October 23rd:
2016 Captain Elections
Whole team: 3:45-5:30

Monday night, October 26th, is JV Conference.  The meet will take place at Appleton North, and it starts at 5 pm, not 5:30 like dual meets. The girls will need to get to Appleton North on their own, since we don't get bus service within the district.  All swimmers must be on deck, ready for shoulders, at 3:45.   Some of the girls will be done for the season on Monday night.  A handful of swimmers are swimming at both JV and Varsity Conference.  If your daughter is swimming at Varsity Conference, she will not taper until next week, after JV Conference. All team members have already been notified about what and when they are swimming at the Conference meet.  If your daughter is done on Monday night, she will just need to stop by on Tuesday for a quick goodbye/wrap-up meeting on Tuesday at 3:45.  All parkas will need to be turned in on Tuesday.

Here is next week's schedule:

Monday, October 26th:
5:45-6:45 am Varsity--last morning practice!
3:45-5:00 Varsity
JV CONFERENCE at 5:00--arrive at Appleton North by 3:45

Tuesday, October 27th:
JV 3:45-4  wrap-up meeting and parka turn-in
Varsity: 3:45-5:30

Wednesday, October 28th:
Varsity 3:45-5:30

Thursday, October 29th:
No morning Varsity practice
Varsity: 3:45-5:30 (No dryland)

Friday, October 30th:
Varsity: 3:45-5:30

Saturday, October 31st:
VARSITY CONFERENCE at Neenah, 10:30 am

After the Varsity Conference meet, final decisions about relays and individual events for the Sectional meet will be made.  Sectional swimmers will taper the week between Varsity Conference and the Sectional meet.

Here is the schedule for that week:

Monday, November 2nd:
Sectional Team: 3:45-5:30

Tuesday, November 3rd:
Sectional Team: 3:45-5:30

Wednesday, November 4th:
Sectional Team: 3:45-5:30

Thursday, November 5th:
Sectional Team: 3:45-5:30

Friday, November 6th:

Saturday, November 7th:
SECTIONAL MEET at Neenah, Noon

That takes us through Sectionals.  I am really looking forward to writing the State week schedule next!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Succeed on Purpose,

Coach Vicki

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