Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Big Bunch of Thank Yous!

Hi Team!

How fun was last night?!? Between all the Senior Night festivities, the successful food drive, and our big win against Oshkosh North-Lourdes, it was pretty much the best night,ever!

I wanted to say a few thank yous to the folks who made last night so great:  

Thank you to the Funk, Norum, and Karrmann families who fed the team Monday night. Your meal was a huge success--the girls LOVED it.  I especially loved the totally cute "AW-K" & "We love swim team" cookies (they were so cute)!  Team dinners are definitely a highlight each week. Thank you so much!

I'd like to thank the Nunn family who opened up their home to the girls so they could make the senior gifts.  The kick boards and little jars turned out great!  Thank you, Fe, for doing such an outstanding job organizing everything.  Your hard work really paid off--the seniors loved their gifts!

I'd also like to thank Paul Fritsch, who helped us with the food drive.  We collected over 300 items last night to send to the Salvation Army food pantry during our first "Halee Fritsch Food Drive". Paul collected and delivered the boxes to us and then delivered all of the food to the Salvation Army once it was over.  

Finally, as always, I am thankful to all the parents who served as timers during the meet.  I have not had to worry about timers even once this season. You guys are the best!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Coach Vicki

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