Monday, October 12, 2015

Senior Night!

Hi Team!

As hard as this is to believe, tomorrow night is our very last home meet and Senior Night!  Where has the time gone?!?  We will plan on honoring our 7 fantastic seniors during the break after the 50 free. We will also quickly recognize the ONL seniors.  Our freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have been busy getting ready for tomorrow night.  Senior night is definitely a special night on the calendar.

To go along with our Senior night festivities, we are also going to hold a food drive competition between our team and ONL.  The food drive was something our very own senior (and captain), Halee, was passionate about doing.  All food will be donated to the Salvation Army food bank.  I love that our two teams are going to give back to the community together.  To up the excitement, I have made a "trophy" which will be awarded to the team who donates the most food items.  Please check your pantry and see if you have anything you'd like to donate.  There will be boxes on deck tomorrow night for the collection.  Halee said the Salvation Army is always in need of non-perishables, cereal boxes, Mac & Cheese, etc.  Let's fill the boxes and win the trophy!

Here are the people who volunteered to time tomorrow night: 

Tuesday, October 13 vs. Oshkosh North/Lourdes

1. Paul Fritsch
2. Susie Fritsch
3. Ursula Nolte
4. Erica Blair
5. Christina King
6. Eric Blair
7. Shelly Welhouse
8. Geri Angiulli
9. Susan Harper
10. Jennifer Nunn
11. Mike Harper
12. Stephen Nunn
Coach Vicki

Finally, I'd like to give a big shout out to last week's meal team of the Dollevoet Family, Armstrong Family, Angiulli Family, and the Johnston Family.  You guys did an excellent job--the girls LOVED the meal (especially all of those little cupcakes!).  Our team is lucky to have such fantastic, supportive families.  Thank you!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at Senior Night!

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