Sunday, August 16, 2015

Week One Highlights!

 (The winning scavenger hunt team:  Sarah, Holly, Mona, Anna, and Lexee!)

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Families,

I'm busy getting ready for this week's time trials, car wash, and team party, but before we move on to week #2, I thought you might want to see just a few pictures from some of the fun we had during week #1.

Last week ended with a very competitive (!!!) scavenger hunt put together by team captain, Alyssa del Plaine.  Alyssa did a great job coming up with a whole list of things each team had to find and take a picture of on or around the Appleton West grounds.  The winning team, pictured above, literally ran into the pool for the big finish.  If that was any indication of our team's competitive spirit, we are going to have a great season!  I pulled a picture from each team that posted on the Facebook page. As of Sunday night, only three teams had posted their pictures, so if you don't see your swimmer, they were probably on a team whose pictures are not yet posted.

We also spent a little bit of time last week learning our first cheer.  Alyssa and Halee decided to teach the slapping cheer first.  I love that cheer--it's super loud and full of team spirit.

Halee and her parents opened up their house for a super-fun "Christmas in July August" party on Thursday night (thank you so much!!).  I love that they put up a Christmas tree and everything!

 The team ate pizza and played games.  A good time was had by all.

Thank you, Susie, for sending me some pictures.  And last, but not least, Sarah hosted a late-night swim party on Saturday night which I heard was lots of fun!  Thank you, Sarah, for having the team over!

In between all the fun, we swam a big bunch of fast laps, learned some new kick and drill sets, and tried on clothing and team suits.  It was a fantastic first week!

I'm looking forward to week two with this amazing group of swimmers!

Coach Vicki

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