Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Big Parka Fundraiser!

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Families!

Last month I stood in front of the team at our first contact day and told the girls about my plans for re-branding the team.  It is my belief that it is time for us to compete as one.  I told the team about the new swim caps that featured both school's colors and the new suits that were neither school's colors. As one united team, I know we will be mighty.  Right from the start, the girls were incredibly receptive to the idea.  I told them about a long-term plan to replace the falling-apart parkas with new parkas featuring our united logo.  I told them that I couldn't wait until the day when our relays stood on the podium together looking united.   I knew that parkas ran about $100 a piece, so I told them that it might be a couple years before that was done.  The very next day, Jacquie Chippeaux emailed me and told me that her mom wanted to spearhead a fundraiser to replace the parkas.  (The very next day!). Needless-to-say, I was pretty excited.  I've met with Kathy twice since then, and the result is the packet Jacquie passed out today at practice.  Both Athletic Directors are in favor of our fundraiser, so all we have to do now is raise some money!  Here's the best part:  Kathy has secured a sponsor who will match up to $1,500 of the money raised.  It's only day one, and we are already on our way!

I am including a copy of the letter below if you need more copies.  I have also added the guidelines from the packet below the letter.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Kathy & Jacquie, for all you've already done to help us achieve our goal!

Coach Vicki

Guidelines for the 2015 Parka Fundraiser

Each packet contains:
·         5 Fundraiser letters
·         5 - 2015 Schedules
·         10 Envelopes
·         5 Address Labels
·         5 Stamps
Envelope to send request to a potential donor should include:

1.      Letter – filled out, maybe a personal note jotted on the front such as, Hey Grams, we could really use your support. Love you!
2.      2015 schedule
3.      Return envelope with Address Label attached (tri-folded to fit)
4.      Fill out the other envelope with the potential donors address and your return address
5.     Affix stamp and mail.

It helps to speak to people you will send it to ahead of time so they know it’s coming.  You can also follow up with a call a couple days later to see if they received it.  Personal touch always works best. J

If each athlete could raise between $50 and $100, we will have enough to cover the Dollar for Dollar Match of up to $1500.00 and maybe more! 

PLEASE try to send out as soon as possible.  The deadline says September 1st but of course we will take donations after that date.  The deadline is to help get it in before we have to pay the invoice.
As the donor is not receiving anything in return, this should be a tax deductible donation.


Please return any unused materials.

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