Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Few More Thank Yous!

Hi Team,

Once again I am a little behind on saying thank yous to a few people who have really gone above and beyond for our team in the past couple of weeks.

The last two team meals were both led by the amazing Amanda Roth, and both nights were a HUGE hit with the girls!  On Monday, October 10th, Pete Schueppert, Gina Anderson, and Amy Sunke joined Mandy and provided a delicious lasagna dinner.  The girls (and both coaches!) loved this meal! Thank you, Pete, Gina, Amy and Mandy--your meal was super yummy!

On Monday, October 17th, Amanda, Cassie Lee, and Jody Karrmann whipped up a fantastic breakfast-as-dinner meal that was super delicious!  Amanda flipped dozens of pancakes for the team, and I'm pretty sure they disappeared way faster than it took to make them!  Thank you, Amanda, Cassie, and Jody for providing such a fun meal!

I'd also like to thank Jody Karrmann for picking up and delivering the re-done Nike shirts and for setting up our fantastically fun time in the Kimberly hot chocolate stand.  I'd like to give a big shout out to Judy Norum, Stacey Dollevoet, Maria Van Laanen, and Susan Harper for coming out to help Jody and I make and sell all kinds of hot chocolate.  I'm pretty sure we sold hot chocolate to every single person at the game that night, but this group made it a fun night!
Finally, I'd like to say a big thank all of the AW-K family and friends who stayed after last Tuesday night's meet against North so that we could celebrate our Seniors.  It was so great to see all of you in the stands supporting our graduates!  Thank you, also, to our fantastic juniors who did such a nice job organizing the gifts and speeches for our seniors!

The support from our parents and friends has been amazing this year! Whether you have timed, prepared meals, helped clean up after a meet, served hot chocolate, or cleaned Lambeau (or all of the above), please know you made a difference this season.  Thank you for giving so much of your time and energy to help AW-K Swimming & Diving succeed!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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