Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

 Hi Team,

I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make Friday night's big Terror Relays Invite such a HUGE success!  Hosting an invite is a big deal, and I definitely know I could not have pulled it off without all kinds of help.
I met with Susie Fritsch, Ursula Nolte, and Kathy Chippeaux over a month ago to start planning for Friday night.  All three ladies were instrumental in making sure the concessions table (and the meet) ran smoothly.  Coach B. answered dozens of questions via email.  She also made sure the trophy plaques, ribbons, and coaches meal were all taken care of.  Paul and Susie Fritsch donated all the potatoes and toppings, and Ursula donated the Spaghetti-Os and fruit. Sixteen fabulous moms and dads helped time.  Coach Zepka did an excellent job leading us through the meet as our announcer. Mike Schuelke, Brian Bartel, and Cindy Cole expertly ran the scorers table.  Coach K ran around helping set things up and did a last-minute ice run.  Our JV swimmers set up hundreds of chairs, served as timers, sold concessions, and took pictures. Jenny VandenBosch sang a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Fifteen varsity swimmers did a fantastic job representing Appleton West-Kimberly in the water.  With all of that help, it couldn't help but be a sensational night!

I am so grateful for each and every person who helped make Terror Relays a success.  I am so proud of what we accomplished together!

It takes a village.  Thanks for being my village.

Coach Vicki

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