Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Practice Schedule Changes for this Week

Hi Team,

I've had a couple of questions about the practice schedule this week.  I'm sorry about any confusion--I am trying to be flexible to accommodate two different school's Homecoming week celebrations while still staying true to our mission to practice hard as a team.  Here is the schedule for the remainder of this week:

Wednesday:  5:45-6:45 am for all Kimberly swimmers and any West swimmer who would like to swim in the morning.  3:45-5:00 for West swimmers, or anyone who didn't swim in the morning. The girls only need to attend one practice.  I will coach at the early morning practice, and Coach K will coach in the afternoon.  We will run the same workout at both practices.

Thursday:  No a.m. Varsity practice due to all of the other morning practices this week.  Full team practice from 3:45-6:00 pm.  Weight room from 5:30-6:00 pm.  Please bring workout clothes and gym shoes.

Friday:  5:45-6:45 am for all Kimberly swimmers and any West swimmer who would like to swim in the morning.  3:45-5:00 for West swimmers, or anyone who didn't swim in the morning. The girls only need to attend one practice.  I will coach at the early morning practice, and Coach K will coach in the afternoon.  We will run the same workout at both practices.

Saturday:  6:45 am-8:45 am:  Varsity only practice.

Just a reminder that varsity only 2-a-day practices begin next week:  Mondays and Thursdays from 5:45-6:45 am.  All afternoon practices next week are on the regular schedule.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Succeed on Purpose,

Coach Vicki

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