Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Team Building

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Families,

I love team builders.  Team builders are the best.  I love corny team builders, and touchy-feely team builders, and team builders that force people to step out of their comfort zone.  

Over the course of our five days together, I had the team try at least one of each kind of team builder. We used Crayons and shared our favorite quotes (which will be displayed in the pool lobby), played with Twizzlers (I loved the symbolism, but licorice is way too sticky and breakable), and had relay races with ping-pong balls and straws.  I tied the team together. I made them sit in a "feelings circle". I watched them support each other across a bridge made of kick boards.
No matter what I threw at them, the team had no problem working together to get things done.  It was awesome.
There was a lot of laughter and a lot of sharing. There was not a single thing this group was unwilling to try.

We've got big goals for this season, and we are going to have to work together to reach those goals. We are going to have to rely on each other and support each other.  I am confident that this group is up to the challenge.  I can't wait to get started!

Coach Vicki

PS  I feel the need to let you know that we also did a whole lot of swimming during our contact days (for real).  I took these pictures with my phone, so the quality isn't the greatest, but they were too cute not to share.

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