Monday, July 27, 2015

Here We Go!

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Families!

Welcome to your new team blog!  It is my hope that you will get in the habit of checking in on this page fairly often--it really is the best way to get info and pictures out to the whole team.  To make it easier, you can subscribe, and each time I post something on the page, you will get it in email form. Just enter your email address in the "follow by email" spot, and you'll be set.

I'd like to thank each and every one of you who have reached out to welcome me to the team.  All of your emails and messages have made my day.  I'd also like to thank all the girls who came out for the contact days.   It was so great getting to know the team a bit during those practices. I absolutely loved having extra time to learn names, do a bunch of team builders, and see some fast swimming.  I feel like those contact days were a little gift to me as a new coach.

Once the season gets started, I will start posting reminders and photos on this page.  I take a ton of pictures throughout the season--feel free to copy any that I post here.  You can also find tabs for our practice and meet schedule, as well as links to the forms that need to be turned in before our first practice.   The coach and captain page will be updated with photos and bios soon--stay tuned!

I can't believe our first practice is only a little over 2 weeks away!  We are going to accomplish big things this season.  I can't wait to get started!

Take care,

Coach Vicki

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