Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Lambeau Field Clean Up!

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Divers!
Did you know that non-profit groups get paid to help clean up Lambeau Field after games?  It’s true—they do!  We can earn $700 if we bring a group of 30 people to help clean up for 2-3 hours!  That’s a whole lot of money for 2-3 hours of work! I have locked us into 3 dates which will help us earn $2,100!  That amount will cover additional new parkas and give us a huge start toward the purchase of team bags, too!  Here’s where you come in:  I am asking each team member to commit to volunteer at least once (you can definitely come more than once!).   You will need to find your own ride to and from Lambeau Field.  Better yet, encourage your driver (parents, older siblings, etc.) to come with and help! I need 6 adults on each day, so do your best to get your parents to come with you!  The more, the merrier!  The best part is I was able to select 3 dates that all take place before school starts:

Monday, August 1st
Saturday, August 13th
Friday, August 19th

Once I sign the contract, I will get the specific times that we will need to report for duty.  For now, I’d like you to look over your summer schedules and see which date(s) work for you.  Once you pick a day, please email or text me so I can lock you in.  It is important that you show up for the dates you commit to so that we have 30 volunteers on each day.  I sent guidelines for volunteering home with the girls who came to today's contact day.  If you didn't get one, please let me know.  I'd be happy to email you a copy.  I am super-excited about this fundraising opportunity, and I hope you are, too!  

Coach Vicki

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