Thursday, October 12, 2017

Other People's Kids

Hi Team!
I wanted to share this post that I wrote back in 2014.  It *absolutely* applies to you guys, too. I love you all, and I love being your coach.

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Other People's Kids

When I was pregnant with Maddie, I could literally freak myself out worrying about things.  
I worried that I wouldn't be as good a mother of two as I was a mother of one.  
I worried about juggling two of everything:  diaper changes, nap schedules, baths, bedtime routines.  
Most of all, I worried that I could never love another child as much as I loved Emily.  
For 17 months, Emily was it.  
I funneled all my love into baby Emily.  
I worried about how I could split that love into two.

I remember sharing my concerns with John's mom.  
She was a mother of two, I knew she would know what I was talking about.  
What she told me was this:  you don't have to divide your love, 
your heart expands to include all of those you love.

She was right, of course.  
I had absolutely no problem loving Maddie as much as I loved Emily.  
And then when we added Jack to the mix, my heart grew even more.

When I started coaching, I found that my heart could grow to include loving other people's kids, too.

People often ask me my why I coach.  
The hours are inconvenient, and the pay is one step above a volunteer job.

This is what I say every time:  I coach because I love my swimmers. 

I coach because each year I get a new batch of other people's kids to teach, mentor, and love.

I coach because it reminds me of how big my heart is.

I am so thankful that other parents share their kids with me.

My life would not be the same without coaching.

Hands down, I have the best job in the world.



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