Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Summer Contact Days Info

Hi Team!

Things are starting to get exciting around here--both Fall Sports Nights are this month (see the previous post), and before you know it, school will be over, and it will be time for our summer contact days!  Contact days give us a chance to do some team building before the season begins on August 9th.  They also let Coach K and I do a bit of stroke evaluation and see where people are at, skill-wise.   The Appleton West pool gets drained over the summer, so our June and July contact days will be held at Appleton East High School pool.  Please wear your swimsuit and bring goggles, a towel, and a water bottle to Appleton East.  In addition, we will have one contact day where we will be in the weight room learning our season lifting program.  On that day, please wear workout clothes and gym shoes and bring a water bottle.

Here are the dates:

June 23rd 9:15-11:30 at Appleton East Pool
July 6,  18, &  27 9:15-11:30 at Appleton East Pool
August 2nd--meet in the pool lobby at Appleton West, then we will go to the weight room.

Your 2016 captains requested that this year's contact days be spread out over the summer. We hope that some or all of these days will fit into your summer schedule.  Contact days are not mandatory, but they are fun, so we hope that you can join us for all 5 of them!

Finally, your captains have planned a fun team trip to Noah's Ark on Tuesday, July 12. All incoming freshmen, current team members, and 2016 grads are welcome to join us!  We will rent a bus and head over there together.  All the details and a permission slip will be available at both Fall Sports Nights.  

As always, you can contact me if you have any question or concerns.  My email address is

I'm so excited to get the 2016 season started!

Coach Vicki

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