Monday, November 2, 2015

Top Ten Awesome Moments from Saturday

 Hi Team!

Holy cow!  Saturday's Conference meet was completely amazing, wasn't it?!?!  I'm still smiling, two days later!  There were so many fantastic moments that made Saturday great!  I thought it would be fun to share a few of them here.  So, without further ado:

Top Ten Awesome Moments from Saturday:

10.  Our school bus arrived early, and our bus driver was super nice!

9.  This photo:
 I love that when I ask for an in-the-water photo, they all hug up and squish in.

8. AW-K lead the way with team spirit and included every single team in their cheers:
7.  Seeing everyone representing AW-K in their new parkas.  The new parkas looked awesome up on the podiums!

6.  Marching out with the captains and seniors and seeing our entire fan base wearing Star Wars masks!  So fun!!!

5. The fact that almost every girl swam a best time (or was right on top of a best time) even though we were untappered, unshaved, and wore our Tuesday suits.

4.  Watching our girls overcome some unexpected obstacles like completely stuffed noses and ripped swimsuits.

3.  The big smiles I saw when the girls discovered they swam a best time.

2.  This final result:

1.  Working together as a team to finish in 4th place in the FVA.  Every single swim mattered.  Every single swim made a difference.  You did it!  TOGETHER.  I'm so proud!

Way to go, ladies!  Saturday's meet was one I will never forget!

On to Sectionals!!

Succeed on Purpose,

Coach Vicki

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