Sunday, October 9, 2016

This Week's Adventures!

Hi Team!

Look how gorgeous the team looks all dressed up!  This picture is actually from a few weeks ago when we had our dress up dinner at Pullmans.  That was such a fun night!

Anyway!  We had another super week in the pool!  Our big win against Oshkosh West was definitely a highlight.  It was the first time AW-K has beat Oshkosh West in recent memory. Thank you to everyone who timed and helped out, especially Coach Scheulke, who filled in on running the Colorado system.  We couldn't have run the meet without him!

I am behind on my thank yous to those who have done team dinners.  A string of team health issues and a junior meeting have kept me from attending the last couple, but I can assure you that the girls are LOVING the Monday night team dinners!  The girls spend so much of the season with their face in the water.  It is so good for them to have the weekly team dinners so they can relax and connect with each other.   Thank you to everyone involved in the last three team dinners:

September 19th: Erica Blair, Tim Norum, Andi & Jason Woodrow, Jody Karrmann
September 26th: Maria Van Lannen, Elizabeth Gloudeman, Cynthia Piechur, Amy Funk, 
October 3rd: Tanya Armstrong, Stacy Dollevoet, Dan Angiulli, Marsha Kasper

The whole team appreciates you!  We have 2 team dinners left this year.  The meal team on October 17th could use a couple more volunteers.  Please let me know if you can help out, and I will connect you with those who are already prepping for that night.

This week is another big one for AW-K!  On Tuesday afternoon we will head down to Fond du Lac to take on the Cardinals, and then on Saturday, the Varsity will compete at the Natalie Bolin Spirit Invite at Oshkosh West.  All JV swimmers are welcome and encouraged to come on down to Oshkosh West with us on Saturday to cheer on the team (they can ride the bus to and from the meet).  This is a dress-up theme meet, and the team is busy gathering costumes and making props in hopes of winning the "Spirit" award.  

This week the team is doing a "Secret Santa" gift exchange.  Each day this week the girls need to bring a small wrapped gift for their assigned person.  The goal is to keep who has who a secret until the big reveal on Friday.  The girls are asked to spend a total of $10 on their Secret Santa.  Handmade gifts are encouraged.

The Kimberly Homecoming parade has been rescheduled for this Wednesday after school. In an effort to allow as many people as possible to attend, we will move Wednesday's practice to the morning, from 5:45-6:45 am.  The girls have actually done a fantastic job with the morning practices--I'm so impressed!  Thank you to all of the parents who have had to get up at the crack of dawn to get their girls to practice!

Finally, just a heads up that the end-of-the-season team banquet has been moved to November 20th.  The junior leadership committee is working hard at planning a special night for the whole team.  We will hold this year's banquet at Kimberly High School.  A formal invitation will be posted soon, I just wanted you to know that the date has changed.   I will get the practice schedule updated to reflect these changes ASAP.  In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

I hope to see a big bunch of you in Fond du Lac and Oshkosh this week!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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